
What Begets Liberalism

What Liberalism Is

Liberalism A Sin

The Gravity Of The Sin Of Liberalism

The Degrees Of Liberalism

Catholic Liberalism Or Liberal Catholicism

Intrinsic Causes Of Liberal Catholicism

Shadow And Penumbra

Two Kinds of Liberalism

Liberalism Of All Shades Condemned By The Church

The Solemn Condemnation Of Liberalism By The Syllabus

Like Liberalism But Not Liberalism, Liberalism but not Like It

The Name Liberalism

Liberalism And FreeThought

Can A Liberal Be In Good Faith

The Symptoms Of Liberalism

Christian Prudence And Liberalism

Liberalism And Literature

Charity And Liberalism

Polemical Charity And Liberalism

Personal Polemics And Liberalism

A Liberal Objection To Ultramontane Methods

The "Civilta Cattolica's" Charity To Liberals

A Liberal Sophism And The Church's Diplomacy

How Catholics Fall Into Liberalism

Permanent Causes of Liberalism

How To Avoid Liberalism

How To Distinguish Catholic From Liberal Works

Liberalism And Journalism

Can Catholics And Liberals Ever Unite

An Illusion Of Liberal Catholics

Liberalism And Authority In Particular Cases

Liberalism As It Is In This Country

Catholic News

The Holy Mass

Rosary in Latin

Gregory XVII "Siri"
The Pope in Red

Who "Pulled" 911

The Coming Great Catholic Monarch

St. John Bosco's Dream (Vision) of Hell

Examination of Conscience

(Catholic Prophecy)

Catholic Prayer

Infant Baptism in Emergency

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Philosophy and theology teach that there are two kinds of atheism, doctrinal or speculative, and practical. The first consists in an open and direct denial of the existence of God; the second consists in acting and living without denying the existence of (50) God, but yet as if He did not really exist. Those who profess the first are called theoretical or doctrinal atheists; those who live according to the second, practical atheists: the latter are the more numerous.

It is the same with Liberalism and Liberals. There are theoretical and practical Liberals. The first are the dogmatizers of the sect philosophers, the professors, the controversialists, the journalists. They teach Liberalism in books, in discourses, in articles, by argument or by authority, in conformity with a rationalistic criterion in disguised or open opposition to the criterion of the divine and supernatural revelation of Jesus Christ.

Practical Liberalists are by far in the greater majority. Like a flock of sheep, with closed eyes, they follow their leaders. They know nothing in truth of principles and systems, and, did they perceive the perversity of their instructors, would perhaps detest them. But, deceived by a false cry or shibboleth, they troop docilely after their false guides. They are none the less the hands that act, while the theorists are the heads that direct. Without them, Liberalism would never pass beyond the narrow bounds of speculation. It is the practical Liberalists that give it life and exterior movement. They constitute the first (51) matter of Liberalism, disposed to take any form, ready for any folly or absurdity proposed by the leaders.

Amongst Catholic Liberals many of them go to Mass, even make novenas, and yet when they come in contact with the world lead the lives of practical Liberals. They make it a rule "to live up to the times," as they call it. The Church they believe to be somewhat outofdate, an old fogy; that she is held back by a certain set of reactionaries, Ultramontane; but they have hopes that she will in the course of time catch up with the modern spirit of progress, of which they are the van. The barnacles of medievalism still encumber the bark of Peter, but time, they believe, will remedy this. The straw of medieval philosophy and theology they hope before long to thrash out by the introduction of the modern spirit into her schools. Then will a new theology be developed more in conformity with the needs of the times, more in harmony with the modern spirit which makes such large demands upon our "intellectual liberty." So they believe (or imagine they believe) that all is well. Is their responsibility before God, therefore, lessened? Assuredly not. They sin directly in the light of faith. They are less excusable than those Liberals who have never been within the pale of the Church. In short they sin with their eyes open.

Amongst Liberals we must not forget to include those who manage to evade any direct exposition or expression of the Liberal theory, but who never the less obliquely sustain it in their daily practice by writing and orating after the Liberal method, but recommending Liberal books and men, measuring and appreciating everything according to the Liberal criterion, and manifesting on every occasion that offers, an intense hatred for anything that tends to discredit or weaken their beloved Liberalism. Such is the conduct of those prudent journalists, whom it is difficult to apprehend in the flagrant advocacy of any proposition concretely Liberal, but who nevertheless in what they say and in what they do not say, never cease to labor for the propagation of this cunning heresy. Of all Liberal reptiles, these are the most venomous.

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